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Get A Powerful New White Label Onboarding & Client Mangement System For GHL!

With Workflow & Site Customizer Form!

  • Customize The Perfect Onboarding System.

  • White Label Onboarding Videos & Client Walkthrough.

  • Client Mangement System For Tasks, SOP's, Notes, Client Resources Etc.

  • Site & Workflow customizer For Your Assets/Snapshot!

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Want A "Smooth As Butter" Onboarding System For GHL?

Want A Better Way To Manage Your Client's

Projects & Ensure Everything Gets Done?

Are Your Tired Of Manually Onboarding Everyone?

Sick Of The Back & Forth With Clients?

You spent a lot of time getting your SAAS or Agency Services products ready. You've got your fancy sales page done. You spent money and time prospecting. You've got your snapshot set up to provide additional value.

You're ready to take on the world... or are you?

If you haven't noticed yet already, there's one big thing that you need to REALLY accept new clients (Especially at any scale)... a solid way to onboard them to get them using the platform right away and doing the tasks you want them to take.

Further, there are also some steps your agency needs to take to get them rolling too.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know: Just having an account isn't enough to get going inside GHL. We aren't there yet for it to just magically work out of the box.

You might know all the steps and how to use it all... but your clients... they sure don't. To them, it's a new frontier. It's a brand-new strange software they have never seen.

They haven't gone through the training like YOU have.

They haven't ever done it before.

They don't know how to use your systems.

KEY TAKEAWAY: Your clients are like a new

born baby... trying to ride a bike.

Truth: Clients Aren't like US.

They aren't marketers that nerd out on this stuff like we do and get excited to just play with it. They are busy with the daily running of their businesses! They don't have the time to figure it all out.

They need a streamlined process that can get them up and running fast and efficiently.

It can be EXTREMELY overwhelming for the end user with it's core offering.

To really get started with GHL with either SAAS or Agency services, there are all these little tasks that your new customers need to take to get set up properly and to start using GHL.

On top of those tasks, you probably also have some tasks they need to take to use YOUR specific systems/ services/snapshot.

Things like:

- Setting up their account

- Getting approved for A2P

- Downloading the APP

- Getting integrated with social

- Uploading their list

- Sending you logo, photo or video files

- Giving you access to ad accounts

- Customizing snapshots

- Learn navigation and what all it can do

- Even setting up the cool funnels and workflows in your snapshot.

Even with solid systems, powerful workflows and even custom values... it's a lot to just LEAVE in their hands or not have a system to help assist them to get going.

"Here's your new spaceship, Joe. Have fun."

That's a bit what it's like for our clients.

So what do you do? Well, you gotta onboard them in some way.

Most likely you have already experienced onboarding clients being a little chaotic.

The back-and-forth email chains where things get missed.

The constant questions.

Spending a ton of hours on zooms.

Or the texts late at night asking how to do simple stuff.

Spending time educating clients on doing the same things over and over.

If you haven't seen it yet... you will when you get some more deal flow and it's enough to make you want to pull your hair out. It's like man! Why can't they just learn it like you did! Hate to break it to you... they won't. Not without a system.

Which leads us to one big problem...

At the end of the day, as an agency:

The #1 reason why people will quit your system... they aren't using it.

Gohighlevel comes as a blank canvas. Even if you do the work and provide a snapshot though to give them content inside GHL... it's only as good as when people actually understand and use it.

Doesn't matter how great your sales pages or lead pages are if people don't IMPLEMENT it. It doesn't matter how many features you have if they don't USE it.

Don't take my word for it either... Shaun Clark (The GHL Man himself) is constantly pushing agencies to deliver small wins to get folks USING the platform quickly. Ever notice how he encourages agencies to get their clients to use the quick simple systems like auto text callback? Social integrations, Reviews etc?

Ever thought why they push that? There is a reason!

You see, Gohighlevel knows that they can beat churn, when people USE it. They also know that people DON'T STAY if they don't use it. So... they teach agencies as a core concept to get folks running fast.

Ever seen that old quick start menu? The one that had a few tasks for people to take when they first signed up like download the app, get Facebook integrated, etc? There was a very specific reason for that.

Ever seen that quick wins training... yup all because of this very thing.... CHURN.

When people join your system, you want them to quickly learn the system and to get it engrained into their operations with quick wins so that people USE it.

If they don't get onboarded and it engrained... well you've got about a month to three months before they stop paying you.

Agency Eternal Truth #1: Your clients don't pay you,

if they don't get results for very long.

Your clients aren't going to pay you simply because you exist. They pay you because you provide value. So the key here is that you need to get them to DO.

If you can get them to act and use it... your churn will decrease. Your clients will be happier and have a solid professional customer experience. Most importantly... they stay longer.

So what exactly does that mean?

Well three things:

  1. You need a solid onboarding system to get them actually set up.

  2. You need to ensure they do the tasks to get it engrained into their business.

  3. You need to deliver a solid experience doing so that doesn't frustrate the crap out of them.

Easier said than done right? If you are like most people, you either do it yourself manually or hire some third party you don't control to do it for you.

I don't know about you... but I don't like being reliant on folks I don't control. They often are in other parts of the world and aren't trained on some things you want them to know. Like customer service. Or sales. Or your system. You can't really customize their process either to fit exactly what you want done.

You could also be leading sheep to slaughter.

I mean... Do you really want ANOTHER agency controlling and interacting with your customers?

No thanks.

Outsourcing your onboarding is kind of like hiring a

wolf to take care of the henhouse if you ask me.

Onboarding is really something YOU should manage and control.

Now I get it... you might be a small agency just get started... and you are probably thinking... "But David, I don't have the resources to hire my own team!" I hear you.

In fact, I've been right there with you... for the last decade. Doing it all on my own. I learned a lot along the way.

Want to know the secret?

You can build a powerful onboarding process that frees up your time, streamlines the process and is in fact fairly automated.

When I first started, I had no process. At first, it wasn't too bad because I didn't have many clients to deal with. The back and forth email chains to get information wasn't too hard to manage. Tack on a few more clients and man does it start to drive you crazy.

Before long I started to hate my business. It was like this feeling of dread. I would sign a client then try to tell them everything I needed over a zoom call. They would forget to do things I needed them to. I'd have to go back and forth describing the same tasks to them. I would have to answer a call to walk them through how to get setup. You become tech support Jimmy in the process.

Clients were frustrated. My profits dwindled from having to do so much extra I didn't charge for.

I quickly realized; I needed a system fast.

I decided to do something about it. I took out a pad of paper and literally wrote down all the steps to set up a client. EVER SINGLE ONE.

What deliverables/information did I need from them?

What actions did THEY need to take to get me everything I needed to do my job?

What did me and my team need to do to deliver my solution?

Where were the areas that I would constantly have to educate them on how to do?

What steps could I automate?

I built email sequences.

I shot detailed videos to show them exactly what I needed.

I even built an internal client manager to help me stay on track.

The next client I got... I fired it out to them.

You know what happened?

The freaking dark clouds parted, that's what.

It was like angels had taken over my onboarding. It was beautiful. No more did I get this back and forth. Clients stopped hounding me asking questions like: How do I give you access to my ad account? They just DID it because they had a resource that showed them exactly what to do. I didn't have to chase them down for their logos or other assets... they just sent it to me automatically.

The best part... nothing got missed and my clients even commented how professional set up was. "Man, you are very detailed... That was way smoother than the last guy I hired." they would tell me.

It was amazing. Suddenly, I had more time. It wasn't so blooming frustrating to deal with clients. I was prepared. I got more done. Less things were forgotten.

That process... was freaking golden.

Now that we have GHL, I took it to a whole new level. I built my system into an echo system that included onboarding into my snapshots with cool features to automatically set up clients. I built custom sites that made it even better. Even built this really cool internal tool to help me manage them all.

No more ridiculous training clients on how to do the basic core stuff to get them going.

No more manually doing it all.

No more losing track of where we were in the process.

Imagine, also having a system to where once a client signs up, they fill out a form and instantly all their funnels, workflows and more are customized and ready to go in seconds. FROM A FORM.

AKA... no more manually updating custom values and funnels... No more uploading logos. No more changing client details. No more tweaking color schemes to match a brand. No more jump funnel to funnel. Website to website.

It just did it for me through some slick tech.

That my friend... was beautiful. I got delivery fairly automated.

Here's the deal:

If you are anything like me... You have felt what it's like to get overwhelmed with onboarding and client management.

You are feeling the pinch of onboarding and client fulfillment and missing tasks, client assets and more.

You are tired of spending a fortune to onboard people.

You are burnt out from client management.

You are sick of clients dropping out because they aren't using your system properly.

The answer to fix all of that is this: You need a system to handle it. A process to keep it all together. A tool to run it all.

Where does such tool exist? It didn't. Not in the capacity or level I wanted anyway. Sure, they had services you could hire out, but who wants another monthly fee or having other agencies handle their customers?

That's why I had to create it. When I showed other agencies what I built it they were pretty blown away. Where can I get that? When are you releasing that? I need that yesterday is what they told me.

After much deliberation on whether or not to even release it... I decided to take all of my onboarding systems and make it available to other agencies. Ladies and gentlemen... I give you Command Center.

It's a system that gives you an onboarding process and client management system. It provides a hub for your clients to quickly get what they need. It provides other tools to help you do your agency work and stay on task. Best part... you aren't locked into someone else's system either. This is fully customizable to you. You can brand it to you. You can customize the layout. You can add your own content to truly make it a system for you.

When you take the time to implement this into your process... you'll be amazed at how much easier your agency life is.

So here's what you get:

Agency Armory's Command Center

Your Agency's Customizable & Personalized Command Center

Think of this like a personalized hub for your clients. They can quickly get access to their information.

They can be onboarded, learn your systems, upload assets, contact your agency & more! This is 100% customizable to fit what you do. You can literally gut the walls and frame it how you like. Use what you need or get rid of what you don't. Feel free to add in your own content, needs, systems to your heart's content.

Internal Client Manager Notion System

Your agency needs a place to keep track of client information such as assets, research, notes, questionnaires, task lists, schedules and more. Our internal Notion client manager is an internal tool your agency can use and customize to fit your needs to keep track of everything and be your agency's location for a universal place of truth. It combines to dos, scheduling and tasks lists with an "at a glance" sections to see where you are in the project. It's a great way to manage multiple projects and your SOPs.

Site & Workflow Fast Customizer System

When you build out a solution for your niche, one thing you will want to do is to build a way to scale it and deliver it quickly. "Productize it." If you do this, it can dramatically speed up your delivery. One such tool we use is our workflow and site customizer. It allows you to customize your snapshots quickly from a form and the workflows to do the heavy lifting of adding logos, customizing brand colors and details into your workflows and sites. With our customizer, you can literally have it do a lot of the setup work for you. Think setting up an account, filling out a form with a few details and boom it instantly updates all your funnels, workflows etc. with your clients' details. No more updating custom values or manually editing funnels and workflows. *Yes, you can even use this on your preexisting funnels and workflows with a few tweaks and edits. Our training walks you through how to use our tool and be able to customize it to your snapshot.

Training Portal

As with all of our snapshots... we don't just give you workflows and funnels and say run with it. We have a whole training system that will handhold you through the process to set everything up and customize it all to you.

$995 Only $697!

Sign up Today and Get Our Special Launch Pricing!

Command Center

Get A Powerful New White Label Onboarding & Client Mangement System For GHL!

Our products, tools and trainings are used

by over 568 agencies in the GHL community.

See what they say about our past products:

Command Center

Get A Powerful New White Label Onboarding & Client Mangement System For GHL!

The way we see it - you really have 2 options…

Option #1 is to leave this website, not order Command Center, and keep using the same products you are used to.

You can go buy one of those expensive services to charge you monthly and drain your profits.

Or you can keep going with doing manual zoom calls.

Or you can try Option #2.

And that is to simply do what agencies just like you have done before you and get Command Center.

It’s not a coincidence you’ve spent the time on this page making it all the way to the bottom.

It means you’re ready to try something new. Which is why I ask you to trust yourself in making the right decision.

When you compare these two options for yourself.

It’s easy to see just how much sense this makes…

So go ahead and tap the button on this page below to sign up.

But remember, this special offer to save up to 37% off is only available for people who take action on this page until 100 people have taken advantage of it.

If you leave this page, Command Center will only be available on our website for its full regular price, which is nearly double what you can buy it for today.

We cannot wait to hear about your experience with Command Center.

Your partners in success,

David Bustle & The Agency Armory Team

Get Started Now!

Sign up for command center today!

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